+ 4
What is the difference between Xhtml and normal HTML?
My mother has this book about XHTML and I'm wondering what the difference is between XHTML and the normal HTML.
9 Réponses
+ 12
XHTML has an "X" while HTML doesn't! ^_^
+ 7
I see. And yes I will read my mother's book but also tell her that XHTML is easier. 😁
+ 7
"X" is pronounced "Ex" (XHTML - 'Ex'tensible html) that's why it's used instead of simple "E"
+ 6
XHTML has more rules to be followed by markups.in other words it's more strict than HTML. it is for extending html to new tags
+ 5
+ 4
read your mother's book, the answer is below your nose
I smell a self-learned badge coming up... by the way tell your mother that XHTML is stricter and less flexible.
+ 4
XHTML stands for Extensible Hiper Text Markup Language
while HTML stands for Hiper Text Markup Language
With XHTML u can extend the tags of HTML
+ 4
@seamiki But why is it XHTML instead of EHTML?
+ 3
Ahh thanks guys!!