+ 4

Which is better time.time or time.process_time() for measure the time between the line of codes in python?

8th Sep 2018, 7:08 AM
Maninder $ingh
Maninder $ingh - avatar
3 Réponses
+ 3
Maninder Singh is this applicable to c++ ? asaik, it's not .... if so, please don't tag c++ in question which don't have c++ applicability
8th Sep 2018, 7:30 AM
Ketan Lalcheta
Ketan Lalcheta - avatar
+ 1
I usually use time.perf_counter()
8th Sep 2018, 12:46 PM
Christopher - avatar
Drag and drop from the options below to declare a ''B'' class with its own constructor and a ''D'' class with its own constructor, where ''D'' inherits ''B''. B { public: () { cout << "B's constructor"; } }; class D : B { () { cout << "D's constructor"; } };
8th Sep 2018, 2:55 PM
Liz Mathew