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Anyone else find it hard to cope through the BS in college?
I'm an American university student. I have to take tons of engineering (circuits, physics) and natural science courses even though I'm a CS major. They say its "General Education". What did I do in 4 years of high school?? That WAS my gen ed. I just wanted to vent a little. I came here to learn computer science, not fill out some stupid checklist of boring, useless courses. Oh well, that's what I get for going to college.
3 Réponses
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Rife with my opinion (obviously), but colleges and universities are businesses like any other. Don't forget that you are the customer. If you don't like the program, transfer. If they aren't giving you your money's worth, challenge them on it.
I've written some postured-but-respectful letters to administrators both for myself and on behalf of others along these veins. Their response makes all the difference. You can always take your business elsewhere. They tend to forget that, so they have to be gently (my version of gently) reminded. If you want to stay with the college, but waive courses, make friends with professors who are on the dean's good side. College is less about education and more about networking to get what you need. Advisors are supposed to be working with you to help you achieve your goals (and maybe a few of theirs too) and they should help reign the administrators in when you need them to.
That being said, this is probably better in your personal feed. 🙂
Hang in there Noah, I know those feels. I took Oceanography, which was actually a lot of fun. Do what you gotta do
It can actually be useful to know other things. Mainly because CS can be applied in ANY of those areas and maybe one day you can help develop those areas technologically :).