+ 11
Do HTML block/inline elements have anything to do with nesting?
I only recently learned that the block/inline nature of an html element is related to its display (e.g. whether it starts on a newline and takes up the whole page width). Previously I thought that a block element is something that can contain/nest other elements. But can block elements (except may be <hr>) always contain other elements and can other elements never be nested inside inline elements?
6 Réponses
+ 12
Thanks Janning⭐ and ~Just Another Brick In The Wall~ .
+ 10
~Just Another Brick In The Wall~ not exactly the question I was asking, but thanks.
+ 2
no! bock/inline property of an element has nothing to do with nesting elements. Every html element is like an object/node. It has its own properties.
+ 1
it's not exactly nesting it's called inheritance, which means that if you make this
<div style="width:50px;height:50px;background:yellow;">
<h4>Hello, world</h4>
the width, height and background of the div element will also be the width, height and background of the h4 element
and as an answer to your question: Yes, you can stack (for as far as I know) everything inside tags that has an open and closing tag
+ 1
Sonic I edited it, now the answer to "is it always possible is also included"
+ 1
In general, elements that can contain other elements will have an opening/start and closing/end tag, while elements that can't contain other elements will be "self-closing" or "empty" (which I think is a misleading term, since the average person wouldn't think of an image element as empty when they can see the image for example).
So nesting is a separate concept from block vs inline elements. The biggest example of this is the existence of the "clear fix hack". One would think that if you nest a bunch of things inside a div, that div will wrap or expand to fit neatly around the tallest element inside it, but that's not the case.
Hope this is more toward where you were going with the question. 🙂