5 Réponses
+ 5
Python isn't any more math-like than C++. The lessons have likely just introduced the Python language with math operations.
The difference is many for the two, I'll try and give you an idea.
C++ is statically typed, Python is dynamic. Meaning you don't need to declare variable types in Python.
Python is interpreted, meaning it doesn't compile, it just runs, while C++ needs to compile.
C++ is much faster and powerful than Python, able to handle more complex programs. For example C++ made GTA5, Python would not be able to make that game.
Pythons strength over C++ in my opinion is how fast you can develop a program, making it ideal for quick automation. You could make Python generate videos and upload it to your YouTube channel in a day or two (I did this), C++ would likely take much longer to develop for the same thing, but it would also be able to be better at it. C++ would take too long to develop a program to organize photos and rename them by date created, Python could be made in 1 minute.
+ 3
Keep learning about both you will soon se the difference.
+ 3
You probably looked at the "Simple operations" section that shows that you can use a python interpreter to add numbers etc. That's just to demonstrate how to use a python interpreter. It's not what python is about, python is not a calculator. You should at least finish the "Basics" chapter before you have any basis to compare two languages.
+ 1
but man... im bad at math
+ 1
Python is scientific (data science, ML, AI, (backend), etc) C++ is for developing complex things, both are different, learn both and you'll get the difference. It is said that, you can make the best of the best with this two.