Which is most friendly IDE for inexperienced developers ?
I don't know whether to use Eclipse, android studio or visual studio, but I would like to start mobile apps development. C# and Java are the same for me.
2 Réponses
I find Visual Studio quite helpful, especially for C# since it's basically its "natural" environment. It helps you while typing (similar to autocorrect on your phone) and it also helps you a lot with potential errors in your code and how to fix them. If you're a beginner that prevents a lot of frustrating moments. Later you might want to test and explore other IDEs and are able to make a better informed decision on which one you prefer.
First of all, C# and Java aren't the same.
If you'd like to create an Android app, Google recommends using Kotlin and staying away from Java.
You could also use Unity to create mobile games using C#.
Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs for C# when it comes to developing in C# for general purposes, whether for Console, Windows Forms, WPF, etc.
Java, on the other hand, has many IDEs, each with their own purposes.
BlueJ is an IDE that is more manual for educational purposes, for example, you have to press a compile button and only then press the run button, you don't have auto-complete, etc.
Eclipse is a pretty good IDE and the one that most will start with.
IntelliJ IDEA is, in my opinion, the best and most modern IDE, by the way, JetBrains - the company who created IntelliJ IDEA - is also the creator of Kotlin programming language.