Installing a script...how
I am using windows python 3.x through visual studio, and i want to make a window that allow user to pick from a list with arrowkeys and enter to make a selection. i found a script named "pick" that seem to do exactly that. However I cannot figure out how to install the script and use its commands! Extremely frustrating, I feel like an idiot. thanks for any help
19 Réponses
+ 1
Tried to execute it from command line?
+ 1
Yeah..tried. To be honest I don't even fathom what I am trying to do. The way I intrrpret it, is that i am trying to "install" a module which allow me to envoke new calls or commands in a program which are not part of the python core code..things like gui etc. only instructions i see are "Indtallstion: pip install pick" and thats it
+ 1
Per Sindre Larsen haaaaaaa, you talking about this module https://pypi.org/project/pick/ ??
+ 1
+ 1
thanks will try tonight!
+ 1
👍👍👍 Remember that this serve ONLY for install the pick package with pip (that its a package manager for python) ... I readed that you have to install also curses for windows from a determinate source but that will be do after solved problem with pip
+ 1
Per Sindre Larsen You are welcome and remember that on SL you will find always an help on coding 😉
+ 1
KrOW awesome!
1 downvote no answers. cool
Per Sindre Larsen Then you tried to run pip like described?
I tried running it in my programs code, in visual studio's terminal, in cmd prompt. It doesn't seem to exist or do anything. I am on windows
Per Sindre Larsen Which python version you have?
3.x the most recent..not at home atm so cant check
OK... You run it on windows?
yeah, visual studio as editor on windows.
If you have python 3 >= 3.4 you have yet pip installed... Then, when you would, check this... After make sure that your version is >= open a new cmd and write
python -m pip install pick
press enter and tell me what happens
Hey. I understand now. I located my 3.7 python.exe and typed in "python.exe -m pip install pick" and it downloaded and installed it...like magic! :P How it "magically" knows what "pick" is from the internet - I have no idea. I downloaded "pick" and unzipped it to a folder, but that seems to never have been neccesary. I cannot find much documentation on how to use "pick" tho, but there are some sample-codes in the package so I will take a look at that and see if I can make use of it.
Thanks alot! (Haven't tested that it works, but it seems to be installed now)
Yes, it gives me the message you predicted now. "no module named: _curses"
I downloaded _curses by: python.exe -m pip install curses-windows :) Brilliant!! Thanks alot :)