+ 2
Coding ideas
I am learning python and next semester I am required to make a decent code for my programming class. Does anyone have any ideas?
6 Réponses
+ 2
Depends how decent the code should be. Can you give a example?
One more thing. Can you only use standard library?
Anya, well it needs to be python and we can use anything within python that we can get our hands on such as importing
Ok yoh could try to make a algorithm that find a path between citys (not real citys just a simulation). And you could use librarys to show you algorithm solving the problem
Try making these program
1. A input which takes a target and there is array in the code, try to linear search the target in the array. (Easy)
2. A calculator (Basic)
3. A GUI Program (Medium)
4. A Complex GUI Program (Hard)
5. A Funtional Game (NON GUI, Easy)
6. A Functional GUI Game (Super-Hard)
Make only one
when you say functional game, would you consider importing something like turtle