What can src stand for?
What can attribute src in HTML stand for? It confuses me because I cannot understand it.
7 Réponses
+ 6
Mohit the coder (M.S.D) for the image tag, doesn't src just mean "source"? It's just an address and not really a code, right?
+ 4
Yes Kishalaya Saha younare right, for image tag it just source from where it is taken as path
+ 3
src generally called as "source code of file"
+ 1
Are you talking about src then
The src attribute specifies the URL of the media file. Like for example path url in image tag
<img src="image path" />
Mohit the coder (M.S.D) Yes but has it got a full name? l can't remember it well, and may write it as scr.
if i know the full name it will be easier to remember and understand. Like alt means alternative