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What are the languages used in web development orher than html,css and js... and what is their purpose?
There are also some languages used for data saving and processing. Like mysql ...
2 Réponses
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Other than those you mentioned, the rest are back-end languages.
They are used to write code that work on your web server.
Such task they perform include,
1.Storing user data
2.Dynamically generating web pages
Languages include
Kotlin (Spring, Ktor),
Python (Django, Flask),
C# (ASP.Net MVC),
Java (JSF),
Ruby (Sinatra, Ruby on Rails)
PHP (CakePHP, Drupal)
You can read more about it here https://www.invensis.net/blog/it/difference-between-front-end-and-back-end-development/amp/
Thank you all