Can any one help me to get the following output in python
Enter x: 8 Enter y: 4 8 is greater than 4 The best I could do was x=input('Enter x: ') y=input('Enter y: ') if x<y: print ('x is less than y') else: print ('x is greater than y') Output Enter x: 8 Enter y: 4 x is greater than y
3 Réponses
+ 3
x=input('Enter x: ')
y=input('Enter y: ')
if x<y:
print (x+' is less than '+y)
print (x+' is greater than '+y)
input() returns string, so you must convert to integer, compare it and then convert to string for correct print.
x = int( input('Enter x: '))
y = int( input('Enter y: '))
if x < y:
print (str(x) +' is less than ' +str(y))
print (str(x) +' is greater than ' +str(y))
# or you can print it as separated values of different types
if x < y:
print (x, 'is less than', y)
print (x, 'is greater than', y)
(for Rstar too)
Note: If you compare string direct '5' > '2' is True, but '20' > '5' is False, because char '2' is before char '5' in chars table.
- 1
guess = int(input('Enter an integer : '))
guess1 = int(input('Enter an integer : '))
if guess == guess1:
print('Congratulations, you guessed it.')
elif guess < guess1:
print('No, guess1 is a little higher than that')
print('No, it is a little lower than that')