hi guys this code is not working what i should do ?I want to receive from intent a string but it is not print in text view ?
text = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView2); string extraData = Intent.GetStringExtra("link"); text.Text = extraData.ToString();
1 Réponse
Ive messed with Xamarin for a few weeks and never encountered code that looks like this. Maybe this is platform specific code?
Xamarin heavily uses the MVVM (Model, View, View-Model) design pattern and you’re meant to fully immerse yourself in the MVVM headspace. It’s very confusing at first but very natural once you practice.
Your form data should be dynamically bound to data in your class without any manual callback intervention.
I recommend making a new Xamarin.Forms project and select one of the templates provided. Really pay attention to how they structure the data pipeline for the Item object.
Like I said it is very confusing at first—its the Name of the Game when it comes to Xamarin.