Can anyone tell me what does this means it will be more feasible if any example is given

Cubesort sorts the contents of an array A containing N items by repeatedly partitioning the array into small groups and sorting within the groups. A total of D different partitions, denoted R,, R,, . . . , R, will be used. For any i where 1 I i I D, any two array locations K and L are in the same group in partition Ri if the binary representations of K and L differ only in bit positions max(G - 2)m, 0) through im - 1 (assuming the least significant bit is in position 0). Note that R, partitions the array into N/M groups of size M, and for all i where 2 I i 5 D, Ri partitions the array into N/M2 groups of size M2. The following definitions and notation will be used to describe Cube￾sort. If X is a nonnegative integer then the y-bit binary representation of X will be written as X = (Xo,...i), Xo,-2). . . X& and the ith bit of X will be denoted by Xci, (again, the 0th bit is the least significant). A j-cube, where 0 I j I D, is a set of Mj locations in the array A that differ in only th

3rd Jan 2019, 5:45 PM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar
11 Réponses
+ 2
In a piece of paper, draw an array of non sequencial numbers. Then walk through the algorithm and see how it goes
6th Jan 2019, 10:57 AM
Da2 - avatar
+ 1
You're perception is from a mathematical point of view. Try another perspective. View it in terms of loops (iterations)
4th Jan 2019, 5:32 PM
Da2 - avatar
+ 1
I assume that you're trying to figure the logic of the algorithm. It's not a math problem. Try it out with a set of values in an array. Then go through the process one step at a time
4th Jan 2019, 5:47 PM
Da2 - avatar
+ 1
A computing device perform it one instruction at a time, it's not like how our brain works
4th Jan 2019, 5:49 PM
Da2 - avatar
+ 1
6th Jan 2019, 10:55 AM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar
I'm confuse about the partition?
4th Jan 2019, 5:42 PM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar
I'm still stuck in partition it says " A total of D different partitions, denoted R,, R,, . . . , R, will be used. For any i where 1 I i I D, any two array locations K and L are in the same group in partition Ri if the binary representations of K and L " so first we partition then check or check and make partition
6th Jan 2019, 10:07 AM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar
Logic, not math
6th Jan 2019, 10:53 AM
Da2 - avatar
Logic, not math
6th Jan 2019, 10:54 AM
Da2 - avatar
okay I'll do
6th Jan 2019, 10:58 AM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar
what about the "max" function I cannot understand what value it returns
6th Jan 2019, 11:54 AM
Hamdan Farooq
Hamdan Farooq - avatar