+ 2
Should i learn php and leave ajax Becaus ajax is very difficult to understand
4 Réponses
+ 2
No. First of all before I get into why that makes no sense, let me say something that will be helpful your entire lift. Just because something is difficult doesn't mean you should give up. If you continue programming you will face concepts much more difficult to understand than AJAX. So if you give up now you won't make it very far. Second, PHP and AJAX aren't in any way synonymous. PHP is a backend language, AJAX is a method of calling other resources without reloading the page by pushing a button. Both can be used together in conjunction. For example, lets say you want to display the users username via PHP without reloading the page. This is impossible without AJAX because PHP requires itself to be requested in order to run and return data. The only way to accomplish this is to call an AJAX request on button push that calls a PHP script that returns the username, then AJAX stores the response and JS will display the name. The bottom line is programming is hard. But the benefits of learning AJAX is huge.
+ 4
YOU are right we shouldnt give up just trying to solve the problems
AJAX is a client side web technology or API that can be used by ECMAScript aka JavaScript to retrieve data and web pages contents without reloading the whole web page or website whatever you prefer to say. PHP on the other hand is a server side scripting language that is used to build dynamic web pages and interact with database management systems like MySQL and SQL Lite etc. AJAX runs on client side and PHP runs on server side. There for both technologies are important. PHP is not a very user friendly programming language, alternatives are also available like Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails is a very beginner friendly and powerful server side web development framework. You should check Ruby on Rails if you want to learn or do server side web development.