Why dont we explain whats the name in the code?
class MyClass { static void sayHello(String name) { System.out.println("Hello " + name); } public static void main(String[ ] args) { sayHello("David"); sayHello("Amy"); } }
10 Réponses
+ 1
modulo operator %:
division with rest:
5/3 = 3 rest 2
4/2 = 2 rest 0
1/5 = 0 rest 1
If you want to get the rest of division you use % --> 5 % 3 = 2; 4 % 2 = 0. You need this operator to check if a number is divisble by another number.
In my example I want to check if a number is even, means that the number have to be divisible by 2. (rest = 0)
The method returns true if the number is even.
You call the method (boolean even = isEven (4)) --> jump in the method --> return true --> leave the method
Thats why its not necessary to write else return false.
Make small steps. Start with a Scanner and think about your needed inputs. Users: String; price: double; product String (jpg is difficult for a beginner so do this later if you familiar enough with java --> reading a file in java? using graphics in java?)
Arrays are possible or you can take a List like ArrayList. Make familiar with both and look whats better for you.
+ 1
The method expects a String:
String name;
If you call the method, name will be initialized:
sayHello ("David"):
String name = "David";
I hope I have understand your question.
+ 1
Inside the brackets you write what the method should expect:
The first part is the type of the variable, the second part is the name of the variable
For example:
int age
String country
Long number ...
If the method do not need anything you write nothing inside the brackets.
+ 1
Static void sayHello (){
System.out.println ("Hello")
Static void squareNum (int x){
System.out.println (x*x);
public static void main (String [] args){
sayHello ();
int number = 4;
squareNum (number);
squareNum (12);
+ 1
sayHello or squareNum is the name of the method. Normally you choose a name that explain what the method is doing.
System.out.println is a method and you know that is printing something.
void means that the method don't return a value.
You can not write String x = sayHello ();
Or int x = squareNum (4);
Read more about methods in the sololearn lessons then you will see the difference.
+ 1
ok ok i got it this
static void sayHello(String name) {
System.out.println("Hello" + name) does the trick
this return thing is confusing do
+ 1
For short:
Public static int sum (int a, int b){
return a + b;
int number = sum (4,5);
This method take two int and return the sum (also an int)
public static boolean isEven (int number){
if (number % 2 == 0){
return true;
return false;
boolean even = isEven (4);
take a number; return a boolean
so the " ( ) " stands for string and whats in it is name
Bro but the method isnt sayHello or aquareNum right... this is what we make up right?
the method here in the code is
void right?
that boolean part is difficult.. because ure not using the Else so how does system know when to use treu or false damn i got to learn also about this modulo thing because % doesnt stand for percentage but for remembering if I understanded it right.
how does the coding work if you want to have users that can ad products with jpg price etc
is this more focussing on arrays and scanner? I know i have a long road untill i got this