+ 2
Why there is no specefied course for programming games by html or c#
4 Réponses
+ 3
Maybe because making games is very complex and there's not the "right way" to create a game that you can teach someone. A classical 'jump and run' game works very differently from a strategy game or a text based adventure. Even if you know how to make one kind of games doesn't mean you are able to create all kinds of different games. So a course on how to create games would be rather pointless imho
+ 2
Im lost what to choose : making websites or making games or making montages / if no body replied # my future = lost
+ 2
thanks but it depends how people can be creative and one of my dreams is to make a game that teaches people manners
+ 1
The courses are mostly on foundational material--stuff we need to learn before learning to make games and other fancy things. But here's a tutorial series on making games by a fellow Sololearner: