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Can you help me make this code?
Create a Grade application that prompts the user for the percentage earned on a test or other graded work and then displays the corresponding letter grade. The application should use the grading scale at your school or the following grading scale: 90 – 100 A 80 – 89 B 70 – 79 C 60 – 69 D below 60 F The application output should look similar to: Enter the percentage: 80 The corresponding letter grade is: B
6 Réponses
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So, what do you have so far and where's the problem?
+ 1
I didn't start it. It confusing to me. The problem is hard for me to understand.
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you can do It with if/else
+ 1
What exactly? It shouldn't be hard, all you have to do is get some user input and then print out the corresponding grade using multiple if and else if statements.
+ 1
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the percentage");
static void Run()
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a percentage between 1 - 100");
static void Grade(int percentage)
string grade;
if (percentage < 60){grade = "F"; }
else if (percentage > 60 && percentage < 69)
{ grade = "D"; }
else if (percentage > 69 && percentage < 79)
{ grade = "C"; }
else if (percentage > 79 && percentage < 89)
{ grade = "B"; }
else if (percentage > 89 && percentage <= 100)
{ grade = "A"; }
{ grade = ""; }
if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100)
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter a percentage between 1 - 100");
Console.WriteLine("The corresponding letter grade is: " + grade);
i did this some time ago
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double score;
cout << "Enter your grade scored in the programming class" << endl;
cin >> score;
if (score == 100) {
cout << "You have a perfect score! Congratulations!!" << endl;
if (score >= 90 && score < 100) {
cout << "You scored an A! Nice!" << endl;
if (score >= 80 && score <= 89) {
cout << "You scored a B, not bad" << endl;
if (score >= 70 && score <= 79) {
cout << "You scored a C, still not bad but you can get more" << endl;
if (score >= 60 && score <= 69) {
cout << "You scored a D, you need to study more" << endl;
if (score >= 0 && score <= 59) {
cout << "You scored a F, you are really bad" << endl;
return 0;