+ 4
[SOLVED] Can i use image from some site on sololearn
I wish to upload some background-image for my html/css code, can i use picture from some site, will i brake some rule on sololearn doing this?
20 Réponses
+ 6
Yes you can
But I recommend downloading that picture and uploading to Dropbox then use the share link to add to your project
And do mention the orignal author of the picture in comments or something..
You can use it directly but some links expires at some point and the picture will no longer load . It may or may not happen but its good to be in safe side so upload it in Dropbox or Google Drive it's more organised also
+ 5
But to use Dropbox files in html you have to modify the url a bit
Replace "www" with "dl" and remove "?dl=0" from the url then it will work
+ 4
Bad_Bit thanks a lot :)
+ 2
Ma nije meni problem da ubacim sliku :D pogresno sam se izrazila, zanimalo me je dal sololearn brani koriscenje slika sa drugih izvora, da ne bude da kao reklamiram.... al hvala na tom objasnjenju nisam ni znala da moze i na taj nacin :)
+ 2
Okay thanks guys, I appreciate it
+ 1
Vazno je samo da znas kako ces privatno insertovati slike. Mada, najbolje je kreirati folder "Slike" (ili bilo koji drugi naziv) u Root katalogu za sajt i Upload-ovati slike u taj folder preko FTP-a.
+ 1
Okay thanks, I got it here is a photo I copied from https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4ovt7zhh7jstt5/IMG_20190216_203032.jpg?dl=0
+ 1
AU Hameed just remove end of link. In other case: remove ?dl=0.
Nije potrebno Upload-ovati sliku. Dovoljno je samo minimizovati i dobiti RAW kod za sliku. Dalje, ide preko: img url(kod slike);
P.S. Pogledaj u mojim programima. Vazno je samo da slika nije zasticena autorskim pravima.
Minimizovaces tako sto ces startovati Developer Mode pod Chrome-om...😎
Znaci, desni klik, pa "Inspect element..."
Ili "Inspect" - ne secam se bas kako se zove opcija...
@Bad_Bit how can one copy the share link from Dropbox on mobile device?
AU Hameed of course you can. Just hold function key and select "Copy link".
Dropbox for Android ?
AU Hameed I think that you can use DropBox For Android.
AU Hameed Or, if you cannot used DropBox "copy link", just use standard browser for mobile and copy image link (like "Copy Image URL" or "Copy image" - I can't remember how they call this). Your mobile will use internal buffer as temporary Clipboard.
"Problem" solved. 😎