+ 7

How to assign value of a potentiometer encoder to a slider encoder?

10th May 2019, 2:20 PM
Zhenis Otarbay
Zhenis Otarbay - avatar
2 RĂ©ponses
+ 3
can you please post your current code, than maybe we can take a look, to find out what is the problem. without that, its hard to help.
13th May 2019, 9:52 PM
Thomas Wittek
Thomas Wittek - avatar
+ 7
Thomas Wittek , for example: for i in range(3): print("case") self.sliders19to21.append((Scale(self.page[i+1], variable=((self.read_ser_int+5)//10) , from_=0, to=5, orient=VERTICAL, tickinterval=1, length=500, width=42, sliderlength=100))) self.sliders19to21[i].place(relx=0.75, rely=0.0) self.sliders19to21[i].set(self.read_ser_int) but self.sliders19to21[i].set() is not still assigning value to the slider
15th May 2019, 10:08 AM
Zhenis Otarbay
Zhenis Otarbay - avatar