Tell me one thing can string be compared by the values in it
Suppose a string has value 5 and other has 7 then if we compare them by length they are same but not by value, but when we compare them they are compared by values inside it why.....
7 Réponses
+ 3
Strings are compared lexicographically (like words in a dictionary). '5' < '62' < '7' < '732' < '79'
+ 3
Melih Melik Sonmez The question is about python
+ 1
Strings are Text and thus just some chars (including special chars, numbers, letters). Which of these can be represented and how is defined by the encoding of your string (ASCII, UTF8, ...). That becomes important e.g. for localization, file import, network communication and so on.
In general: never store numbers as strings if they have a semantic (meaning) in your code. Assemble outputs only in your view (model).
There are more than one comparison for variables.
= is for value assing
== type of variable
is (===) strict comparison of variable and its value (Unlike the double equals operator "==", the "is" operator does not match the values of the variables, but the instances themselves.)
x = [1,2,3]
y = [1,2,3]
print(x == y) # Prints out True
print(x is y) # Prints out False
So learning thus comparisons is sometimes confusing but relax I will share code for you son you can understand better
! Important !
also python 2 and python3 behaives different for this
a = "Anna"
b = "{}".format("Anna")
print (a , b)
print (a is b , a == b)
please be sure about this !
If you want to compare two strings for their numeric values, you have to convert them into numbers.
x, y = '561', '71'
@Anna I fixed my reply please re-check