+ 36
What are math operators in js
Math operators
14 Réponses
+ 10
+ - * / % etc.
+ 6
+ plus
- minus
* multiplication
/ division
Math.pow(n, m) power of a number like n*n*n m times
Math.sqrt(m) Square root of a number
+ 5
** exponentation operator
% modulo operator
+ 5
Mathematical operators are those whose operands are variables or numerical values, which correspond to the type of data in javascript on which mathematical operations can be performed.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus (division remainder)
In addition, you can combine all these operators with the assignments to abbreviate code. For example:
var num = 2;
num += 3; // is 5
num *= 2; // is 10
num -= 3; // is 7
Tambien puede usar la API del core pra relaizar otras operaciones mediantes metodos. For example:
Math.pow(2,3) is 8;
You can see doc of javascript about MATH Object.
+ 4
It is use to calculate simple and complex solutions
+ 4
Good evening,
Math operators are the same that we've dealt with at school:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus (division remainder)
And there are another math operators you can google them, or follow the link below:
+ 4
+ - * / %
+ 2
+ for addition
- for subtraction
* for Multiplication
/ for division
+ 2
they are almost same for every language..+ - * / ++ -- etc...
its 4 kind of them