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Qus:- What is the final keyword in Java?
6 Réponses
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final is a keyword used to make a variable constant.
final float Pi=3.14;
This will declare a constant named Pi which is equal to 3.14.
If you will try to change the value of this constant , you'll get an error
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final keyword in Java can be used in many context.
final can be:
1. final variable
2. final method
3. final class
1) final variable - to create constant variables
2) final method - to prevent method overloading
3) final class - to prevent inheritance
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1)final variable:
1. When a variable is declared with a final keyword, it's value cannot be modified.
2. Means by using final keyword, the variable becomes constant.
3. This also means you must initialize a final variable.
4. final variable cannot be inherited.
class Test
public static void main(String args[])
final int i =10;
Error- Cannot assign a value to final variable i
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2) final method:
1. A final method cannot be overridden.
2. Which means even the subclass can call the final method of parent class without any issues but it cannot override it.
final void show()
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3) final class:
1. The final class is complete in nature and cannot be subclassed or inherited.
2. Several classes in Java are final like String, Integer and other Wrapper classes.
final class Exam
class Test extends Exam
public static void main(String args[])
Test t1=new Test();
Error- Cannot inherit from final class