+ 3
Why is there value.append(str??
I got this code somewhere on the internet today. I didn't understand why there was a string conversion with value.append(). Whatever input is feeded is not in str? Or why is it str(int?? And also why items = x for x in input(). I got the input part, but what about x. Is there any other way to represent this items? I'm a noob so your answers would help me to think in a different way. Thank you. https://code.sololearn.com/cOdB0qYx1CQa/?ref=app
11 Réponses
+ 2
~ swim ~
Thank you for your reply
What is the parameter for stating list comprehension is the efficient way? Why did you call it efficient?
And okay input gives a string understood. But what's exactly happening in the line?
What is this line doing? Like from round i understood that whatever answer i get from math.sqrt(equation) is to be rounded off. Now this rounded off value is in the integer form only right? No?
+ 1
at the end of your code, it's using join() which returns a concatenated string with an iterable and string u suggested. It gives a TypeError if iterable is not a string that's why its typecasted to a string. I don't understand the second part of your question, please make clear what you want to ask. Also in your code comment on the second line is wrong. Value is not set its an list.
+ 1
input alway returns a string.
str.split(str) always returns a list of substrings.
[x for x in y] Is a special way to create lists.
[x for x in input().split(str)] Is the same than input().split(str), it doesn't change anything.
+ 1
Thank you for your reply
You're talking about
That whatever answer we get out of this has to converted into string before it goes through
print (','.join(value))
Because this join() looks for strings and separates those with a ','?
+ 1
~ swim ~
Thank you!!
But still
Why str(int( ?? The value rounded off is not an integer?
+ 1
Oh greatttttt!!! ~ swim ~ thank you got it!!