Domain name
Hi , yes this question is different from what we are using solo learn for . Do anyone know about domain names ?, I wonder that from where google uses google.com . On our own server why we can't use Google.com as our domain ?
4 Réponses
In my country there is a law that blocks you from accessing certain illegal streaming websites.
That block is implemented on the DNS level and it works because by default you will ask the DNS servers of your internet service providers when you browse to some website.
That DNS server can tell you anything, for example that "google.com." doesn't exist, or maybe it belongs to facebook.
(So if you change your DNS server in your network settings you can circumvent the block but you didn't hear that from me.)
You yourself can also run your own DNS servers and give out any domain to anybody. But of course nobody except you will care, because your friend's windows is not configured to use your DNS servers.
It is common for companies to run their own DNS servers though, because in your company network you will usually have many servers running that you want to give names to, but you can't really access these servers from the internet, only on the company "intranet".
+ 3
Domain names are unique across the Internet.
Though companies known as registrars are licensed to sell and manage them as third parties, the overall role of assigning domain names lies with ICANN.
So, irrespective of the server, you cannot use a domain name that has been assigned and is active.
If Google chooses to hands off, you can buy their domain name. Pending that, you can't use Google.com.
Lastly, you might have to wait for a couple millennia to get the chance of using Google.com 😂😂
+ 1
Thanks for taking time to answer .