Any advice for a kid wanting to get a job in programming?

I'm 13 years old and have always wanted to get a job in programming when i'm older. I have been practicing coding for about 3-4 years but haven't really done anything good since 2018. Does any experienced programmers have any advice for me?

7th Jun 2019, 7:32 PM
haydenki - avatar
8 Réponses
+ 4
pathetic_millenial It's good that you have experience at such a young age. That will help. For the next few years, you want to make a hobby out of coding. Pick whatever language you prefer, and all you have to do is practice. Java is one if the most popular, for example. Also, perhaps in your normal academic studies you could choose computer science or something similar. The coding world and its opportunities are vast 😁
7th Jun 2019, 11:10 PM
River - avatar
+ 10
PR0C0D3R The SoloLearn community may very well not be for everyone. It certainly doesn't seem to be for you or any other account(s) you might have. I'll be more than happy to spare you the miserable experience you seem to be conveying with others here. If this is a misunderstanding, you can simply delete all your unwanted and negative comments and let me know that you will refrain from posting such comments from this point forward. Failure to respond with a clear statement of your intentions will be taken as your confirmation of having your account(s) permanently banned. [UPDATE:] At PR0C0D3R's request, his account has been deactivated.
8th Jun 2019, 1:25 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 6
PR0C0D3R HTML is a declarative programming language. It appears you're thinking of programming, only in the imperative programming paradigm, involving explicit control over state and logic flow. For those unfamiliar with the differences, here is an article worth reviewing: https://tylermcginnis.com/imperative-vs-declarative-programming/
8th Jun 2019, 1:33 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 2
A simple mistake. I will edit
7th Jun 2019, 11:23 PM
River - avatar