+ 3
What effect does prefix increment operator do in increment expression of for loop?
Does it increases value of loop variable before execution of satements of loop?
6 Réponses
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Not really.
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) does the same as for(int i=0; i<5; ++i).
The is a difference if you do things in the increment expression. For example: for(int i=0; i<5; sum+=(i++)) sums up to 10 while for(int i=0; i<5; sum+=(++i)) sums up to 15
+ 1
Prefix increment hits the increment operator first before the value then increments it immediately on the same statement ...
Postfix increment hits the value first before the increment operator then increments it on the next statement.
+ 1
No, the third part of a for loop is essentially the code that will execute after each loop iteration. Having i++ or ++i has no real difference because it is the same as adding the lines
in code, you are not using the return type which is different, you are only using the value in i which has been increased by 1. Now, ++i is barely faster than i++ because i++ returns a temporary variable of the previous value, so it is better to use ++i where speed is needed, but in many cases i++ is more common and “more legible”
It is a statement, that will be executed in the end of each iteration.
int x = 0;
for (cout << "1"; cout << "2"; cout << "3") {
cout << "4";
if (x > 3) {break;}}
Output: 124324324324
It depends on if you're running carrying out an operation on the same line
The expected output will be incorrect