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Decrypting .net cookies
Is it possible to decrypt owin asp.net application cookies without using asp.net c# itself? How?
1 Réponse
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Here’s an example that simply displays all of the user’s claims from either an AccessToken or Cookie:
// Allow CORS for all origins.
[EnableCors(origins: "*", headers: "*", methods: "*")]
public class UserController : ApiController
public object Get()
var identity = this.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
var roleClaims = identity.Claims.Where(x => x.Type == ClaimsIdentity.DefaultRoleClaimType).Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
var nonRoleClaims = identity.Claims.Where(x => x.Type != ClaimsIdentity.DefaultRoleClaimType).Select(x => new { Type = x.Type, Value = x.Value }).ToList();
return new { name = identity.Name, roles = roleClaims, claims = nonRoleClaims };