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How can I find a item in a list that's in a list?
To find a item in a list you would do: List = ["hi","hello","bye"] List.index("hello") >>>1 How do I find something that is in a list that's in a list and give me both values: (doesn't work btw, just example) List = [["hi","hello"],["bye"]] List.index("hello") >>>0,1
2 Réponses
# If you are looking to retrieve values of indexed positions
# in a nested list
# you can access the outer level list elements with the first [index]
# the sub level list elements with the [second] index and so forth.
# depending on the degree of list nesting you have.
my_list = [["hi","hello"],["bye"]]
get_hello = my_list[0][1]
get_bye =my_list[1][0]
# if want the indexed locations and associated values
# for a list of lists one option is looping over the enumerated
# lists
for ind,item in enumerate(my_list):
for indx,subitem in enumerate(item):
print('found item {0} at [{1}][{2}]'.format(subitem,ind,indx))