Please any one suggest me to how to give command line arguments without raw_input() with examples?
I need to give command line arguments while running python script. Any one suggest me?
2 Réponses
+ 2
Do you mean...
...using a file as user input?
(On SoloLearn you'd simulate this by pre-writing an 'Answer File' from the same Python program.)
If you need raw_input() to work instead of simulating the "same thing" using file reads you have to redirect the input stream. It would use stdin instead of stdout/stderr you can see here:
...command line arguments (not related to raw_input)?
(Not compatible with SoloLearn's input processor)
...more than one raw_input chance?
SoloLearn basically creates an answer file and submits it to Python with static parameters. The best you can do is enter multiple lines (up to 100 chars; or use my first link).
...Something else?
+ 2
You could also have Python request input from a webserver that responds with web_input()-compatible form values:
Due to SoloLearn's kill timeout this is probably an external solution.