When declaring myArray[5] it's creates elements from [0] to [4] why not from [0] to [5]?
and I get ... that is one more element :) but that's not the case
8 Réponses
+ 2
with the declaration myArray [5] you say, you want 5 placeholders in your Array.
Because Arrays are zero-indexed the first placeholder has the index 0. So it's start with 0 and thats xour first index. Because you declared it with an index of 5 you get 4 more. So 1 is the second index, 2 the third, 3 the fourth and 4 is the last index you get
+ 1
Because it starts from 0, not from 1 (i.e. 0,1,2,3,4 it is five elements)
+ 1
because you declare one array whit 5 elements
1) myArray[0]
2) myArray[1]
3) myArray[2]
4) myArray[3]
5) myArray[4]
+ 1
Simple Answer: C# uses ZERO-Based Indexing i.e., Arrays, Collections, etc First Element Is at 0th Location.
when you instantiate an array, you declare it's size.
but when you give them value, their index start from 0.
C# it's a zero-indexed programing lenguage. that means 0 it's the 1st value.
In declaring an array, you list the number of elements. In calling it, you call an element from its index position, and indexes start from 0 as c# is a zero-indexed language.
So that means C# uses 0-based indexing but not 0-based declarations?