Coders ans novelties🤔
why coders like novelty (like new programming languages that are often preferred to old ones ...)
17 Réponses
+ 3
Might wanna check this FergHost. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
+ 2
I have to disagree that coders jump ship to the next shiny language that comes along.
Both from the last decade, Kotlin and Dart have not been favored by programmers even though Google pushed for Kotlin to replace Java.
Dart, developed by Google and used in Flutter, still remains widely unused.
+ 2
The question was: 'Why do Coders like...'
What is popular with beginners is a totally different matter.
Python is easy to learn and you can quickly write effective code even if you don't understood computers very well.
That also makes it attractive for people who otherwise wouldn't mess with programming.
Python is a hundred times slower than C, so in addition to the advantages, it has disadvantages.
The point for CODERS (not beginners) is rather stuff like if a new language solves certain problems better or quicker than another.
Python is slow, but is quickly and easily written and very readable. In a context where that combination of traits make sense, they may use it.
But that has nothing to do with novelty per se.
+ 2
And thus, it became answerable. :)
Beginners can often not judge what they will really need, so they are likely to choose something that's trendy (like in every other area).
Also, often the newer languages will be higher languages, like maybe Python, that encapsulate away all the trouble you can have with hardware-closer languages like C. And they're usually easier to learn.
One thought of the beginner might be that if they go through the trouble of learning how to program, they should choose a language that 'will not just die', that will be widely used in the future.
But programming languages don't die that easily. There's so much legacy code in all the old languages for example, and no one wants to rewrite all of that, so you'll likely be continuing to build on the old stuff with the same tool for decades.
Also, languages are not the same, and not every language is suited for every task. C++ may be a lot older than Python, but it's also a lot faster, so you'd prefer to write a 3d game with that.
+ 1
usually newer stuff has newer better improvement compare to older stuff,like C and python, C is a bloody nightmare to code in due to how old it is while Python has newer things that make it pretty damn good
+ 1
Where do you get the information that 'coders like novelties'?
Because it's not really that simple.
+ 1
Why don't you link a bit of that research then?
+ 1
ok you're free to think what you want but I speak knowingly ... the languages of the last decade are widely appreciated by coders and some old language are less and less used as the C especially by the coders of the 2000 generation
+ 1
If you speak knowingly, why let me think whatever (nonsense) I want?
Enlighten me and show me some reliable data.
+ 1
Polling sites tell you what's popular, not necessarily what's used in a professional environment.
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Explain Dart 's unpopularity as a whole
+ 1
Okay HonFu, I think you've convinced me enough after thinking about it ... I think my question should be "why the beginners are ..."
+ 1
okay now i see the way .. thanks !!
I did research on the subject guy .. the attractions are very strong on the side of the novelties
HongFu Polling sites is not what's missing on the net. You can go check any .. new languages attract coders
I think there is a wind of misunderstanding around here, I did not say that the coders change the old ones by the new ones, I said that there is a lot more attraction for the new languages. .. propose to a young beginner the choice between python and java. According to you, which one will he choose?
honFu c# is popular because it’s used, kotlin is popular because many people use it , so python is popular because we use it... i think many things are popular because they are used !!