+ 101
<^> Programmer Logic <^>
A programmer and a lawyer were out in the savannah, to refresh and rejuvenate their minds: when suddenly, a lion appeared out of the dusty grass and steadily charged towards the two professionals! The programmer, being the more logical thinker, took out his running_shoes and hastily put them on: The lawyer shouted at him, "Ohh dear! the shoes won't help you to OUTRUN the lion!" The Programmer was like, " True ! but they will surely help me to OUTRUN you!" <^> Respect To Programmers <^>
16 Réponses
+ 16
Lol, I think more logical too than before now. Too bad I lost my old personality xD.
+ 17
Hey washika. I challenged you. Would you like to complete it?
+ 14
hahahahaha True! a boolean answer 😂 instead of right
+ 10
Lol ;D
+ 10
Lucky the lion doesn't support threading...
+ 8
Nice one
+ 8
Jesus :"D
+ 7
I will get to that level of logical thinking too then!
funny joke though!
+ 7
+ 7
Aye best answer? Thanks washika D :D
+ 5
If both guys have had unite their forces against the lion, they would make the animal run way. Obviously the programmer doesn't care of his friend in low.
+ 4
+ 3
Ha ha ha
+ 2
but who would want to hurt the lion?
+ 2
+ 2
Three guys in a safari camp. One of them is having a problem on his mind and goes for a walk. After a while the other two are talking:
- I wonder what's eating him...