Please Help

Hello! I was given homework and I don't know why the picture is not being displayed. The image file is in another location, it is not in the same folder as the html file. What is wrong with my code? Please, help... <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>PRIMA PAGINA</title> </head> <body> <h1>Bine ati venit pe ukevibes, multe zambete si acorduri de ukulele!</h1> <img scr="D:\PROIECT AVANTAJ CONSULTING\ukevibes\images\poza2.jpg" alt="trei ukulele"/> <p>Aici este locul in care veti descoperi veselia pe care o propaga instrumentul numit <strong>ukulele.</strong></br>Noutati, sfaturi, recomandari si nu numai!</p> <p>Atat pasionatii de ukulele cat si curiosii care au auzit despre acest instrument si doresc sa afle mai multe, sunt mai mult decat bineveniti pe acest site.</br> Lumea are nevoie de un strop de <em>veselie</em></br>Daca fiecare persoana ar picura cate un strop de veselie, </br>atunci ne-am bucura cu totii de un ocean intreg de voie buna.</p> <p>Vom invata impreuna despre cum sa alegem instrumentul potrivit, cum se acordeaza ukulele, </br>ce produse de intretinere se folosesc de obicei, si multe altele...</p> <p>Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru optimism, acorduri vesele si buna-dispozitie!</p> </body> </html>

5th Sep 2019, 9:20 AM
Alexandra Nistor
Alexandra Nistor - avatar
1 Réponse
@Jay Matthews Oh... Right! Thank you sooo much for pointing that out! :D I was so silly...
5th Sep 2019, 1:31 PM
Alexandra Nistor
Alexandra Nistor - avatar