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what should I do to add new column to the table ?
7 Réponses
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Graphyically you can do.
If you need to add using Query you can try this
Alter Table TableName
add ColumnName datatype;
for example if I want to add ColumnName Say Name in Student Table then
Alter table Student
add Name Varchar(20);
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It is ALTER table ie you are modifying in table structure DDL(Data Definition Language) query not DML(Data Manipulation Language).
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If u care about the position of the column being added, then u can use the following syntax:
ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name ]
Alter Table Person
Add Column MiddleName VARCHAR(100) AFTER FirstName
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you should read 8th block in 3rd lesson from sql course "sololearn sql"
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Use Alter