+ 4
Writing JavaScript
What is good for writing js?
23 Réponses
+ 7
Myles for better and easy javascript writing.. you want go to Visual studio code on pc ..
And for mobile you can use sololearn always it's good but somthing is not here it's all problem of any editor in mobile...
+ 5
Js fiddle and code pen
+ 3
What do u mean ? 🤔🤔
+ 3
I would go with Atom, VSC, and Sublime text Myles
+ 3
Visual Studio Community is my choice, it has a pretty decent intellisense so I don't need to type everything
+ 3
I'm beginning to like Atom. However, I'm cool with Notepad ++
+ 3
If you are a beginner....
You can use Simple Text editor as Notepad or Notepad++.
If want to go with advanced then use Atom, Sublim Text, Brackets or Visual studio.
+ 2
Your brain and hands! :-)
+ 2
Ярослав Вернигора (Yaroslav Vernigora) u always like to give funny answers don't ya ? 🤔
+ 2
+ 2
what app is good for writing it?
+ 2
Imo Notepad++ isn't as good as it used to be some years ago. I wouldn't use it as my primary editor 😕 Nate
+ 2
If you are asking about a text editor, I recomend Sublime Text
+ 1
Well, what a question, that’s the answer. what did he mean? Mops like to code whith js? 😁
+ 1
Geany and Notepad++ are good open source editors.
+ 1
U can try a
Webstorm too. I use
VSC and Sublime text 3 with emmet and eslint package
+ 1
Hi everyone, which is the best programming language for beginners...
+ 1
Python and JavaScript
+ 1
As as simple code editor I was always a fan of Notepad++ with its plugins but since the launch of Visual Studio Code I can only recommend it.
You want an app that at least highlights the syntax for you, that will help reduce typing errors.
If you're building more complex code which relies on external libraries I'd suggest Visual Studio Community instead which is a whole IDE.
I'd say just start with VSCode and install debugger from chrome plugin which runs your app on the browser so you can see what it does.
+ 1
I'm a complete newb, first week learning, but I've found compilers on the Android market that test code for free. I use it on my phone. It's a bit advanced for me, because I'm at "hello world" and still don't know what the heck I'm doing, but maybe it will help to take a look at them