Sololearn's confusing input
I saw a lot of console codes in sololearn which gives a vague explanations of the inputs the user should enter. Especially large codes which requires lots of input. added to that the still unavailable feature of runtime compilers on sololearn that makes it hard for users to know what to input. resorting users to manually dry run each program until they found each input statements. to this i offer a standard for sololearners to which every input would be defined at the start of the program to give users a more user-friendly way of using your codes. first off all, creating a comment on top of your program that gives a short explanation of your code/what your code does. next, is to write a formatted input example with the given data type. for Ex. your program loops your input string x number of times. the standard input guide would be something like this """ program that prints string x number of times. string (string to loop) integer (number of times string looped) """ another example is provided below