+ 1
It is known that each data type is a set of certain values; for example the int data type in c is all integer values from -3276
to 32767. and you can find 10 consecutive values of that type which are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and so on. For the real number in C which are float and double. it is that same as integer. you need to write down a program in C and prints 10 consecutive numbers using the float type.
23 Réponses
+ 1
Miika no there is no problem, my teacher always speak about c and when we ask he said that their is smiller between them
+ 2
Sounds like you are giving us a problem from your homework. Can you state the issue you are facing? We cannot help you unless you've attempted it yourself.
+ 2
So you need to find the smallest of 2 float values?
+ 1
You are right i should solve it , but I try to answer it but there is trick in it
+ 1
It's look like I need for loop to read the number
For (int i=0; i <10; i++)
Cout << i+( the smallest difference between two float number ) ... and i don't know how i can get it
+ 1
Stephen Matthew you will not solve my homework ..I try to solve it but I don't know this part .. if you help me I'd be grateful.
+ 1
No , it's like that when i make code which give me ten integer number sequence for example we have 1,2,3 ..,the question need the same things but in float number
+ 1
In integer number we know the difference between each number it's one .. we need to know the difference between these ten number to find them and they must be sequence
+ 1
Miika I don't know it . I'm a second year computer engineering student ، We're learning the c++ language and we haven't expanded it yet. Anyway, thank you so much for trying to help me.
+ 1
Miika in which programming language do you right the code ? And who it's work ? ..and i am sorry if I annoyed you
+ 1
Miika can you give me example " input"
+ 1
Miika anyway That question has a kind of philosophy. It's a homework for discrete mathmatics
+ 1
Input please 😺☺
+ 1
Thank you very very much sister ❤😻