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Access data in datagridview from a class
I'm trying to pass values from datagridview to a list. And then in a new class I want to make som methods accessing that list. Trouble is that when I pass the datagridview it returns it without content and values which means I can't do anything with it. any help is appreciated! see more information on link. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42026708/access-data-in-datagridview-from-a-class/42026887?noredirect=1#comment71228293_42026887
10 Réponses
I don't remember the full path, but Globalization in System might be able to help. it should allow you to access other files in your code from there
Are you sure this is a step in the right direction? From msdn documentation it seems that system.globalization contains classes for different regions, calendars etc.
wait no, I'm wrong. add the form to the namespace. should be accessable then.
the class and form see in the same namespace.
they're both in the same name space? and you can't make an object for the class?
they're both in the same namespace and I can't access values from datagridview (public partial class form1) from another class. let's say class MyClass.
oh yeah, no. I'm pretty sure all its methods are protected. I don't think windows wants you editing the form dynamically.
I probably found the solution here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/a5e3b46e-8d45-4c45-a3d6-20a25b746825/accessing-form1-controls-from-a-different-class?forum=winforms I tried something similar at work today which worked for a simpler project I wrote to test, but that solution didn't functioned properly in my real project. I'll find out tomorrow an will let you know how it went.
thanks. I'm curious.
I can confirm that my last post was the solution. Great workday today 😁