How can i install c language software?
Suggest any c lananguage ide
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You can either go for a full IDE or a sperate compiler in combination with a code editor. Both solutions are quite good yet it might be easier to use a compiler with a separate editor for thr beginning.
Here are some examples of programs you could use (my recommendation would be to use gcc with the Atom editor):
1. Option, Editor + compiler:
- Atom
- Sublime Text
- VS code
- nano
- vim
- emacs
- gcc
- clang
2. Option, IDE:
- GNOME builder
- Code blocks
- QT creator
P.S. Linux is probably the best OS for C development
I good option for begginers would be the Visual C++ Express or DEV C++
It's good to use an ide. I'm using codeblocks and dev c++. Dev c++ provides developing environment for both c and c++