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What is the fastest/easiest way to connect to a database query a table then insert that table into an html table?
I currently use PHP: connect to DB2: query a table: then JSON info into JS and for loop into html table. But it takes 5-10 seconds long. When it should take less than 1.
4 Réponses
What about printing table using for loop in php code after getting data from database
How would you continue to update that information? The problem is trying to read millions or records to place in a table. Here is a good example of what I'm talking about. Go to MSI.com and select a MB then in support/compatibility section select memory. There is a huge table that generates. It's kinda what I'm trying to do but mine takes longer.
So you have loaded data you are just showing it in rows using javascript ?
Yeah, using Ajax to send and receive data from server. But there are 100s of people updating these tables and when you want to view the progress it takes a long to to retrieve this information.