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ES6 seems a bit complex to grasp once.
Is there anyone with a simplified teaching idea on ES6
8 Réponses
+ 3
ES6 is easier than JavaScript, once you get familiar with it.
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Calviղ Es6 can not be easier than javascript, because ES6 isn't a programming language, it's just a standard for javascript specifications for browser that define javascript features, specs, etc.. It's all about javascript. If you want to compare you can compare ES6/ES2015 and Es4, 3,etc.. in terms of features available in the javascript language
+ 2
LISANGOLA BONDJALI CHRISTIAN I agreed with you. This was exactly what i mean. Normally when we compare ES6 with javascript, it would mean we compare ES6 with older ESn.
That's a reason we like to ES6, it's improved version, and also making writing javascript codes much easier.
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Calviղ thanks ... But ES6 is a sub component of JavaScript.... LISANGOLA BONDJALI CHRISTIAN I'll definitely give it more time. Thanks fam
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You don't have to understand or master every ES6 concepts at once. Take your time, and try to practice those concepts in real projects. That's the only way to gain better experience in anything.
Don't forget, take your time...Or what you can do is, learn one single ES6 concept and do small comprehensive exercise every day, and in just a month or less, you'll have a better understanding, it's not a 100m race... Relax
+ 1
Gordon I'll definitely check those out. I am grateful