+ 9
How to make a simple zoom?
Java Script
5 Réponses
+ 14
transform.scale(2); /* size times 2 */
transform.scale(0.5); /* size divided by 2 */
+ 5
here is a nice implementation to scale a specific area
the following function to be exact:
function scaleImageData(imageData, scale) {
var scaled = ctx.createImageData(imageData.width * scale, imageData.height * scale);
var subLine = ctx.createImageData(scale, 1).data
for (var row = 0; row < imageData.height; row++) {
for (var col = 0; col < imageData.width; col++) {
var sourcePixel = imageData.data.subarray(
(row * imageData.width + col) * 4,
(row * imageData.width + col) * 4 + 4
for (var x = 0; x < scale; x++) subLine.set(sourcePixel, x*4)
for (var y = 0; y < scale; y++) {
var destRow = row * scale + y;
var destCol = col * scale;
scaled.data.set(subLine, (destRow * scaled.width + destCol) * 4)
return scaled;
let say you want to scale a specific area in the canvas:
scaledArea=scaledImageData(imgData, 2);
this will result in the original image with a given area which is now magnified x2
only works as magnifying rectangle tho... i am trying some modifications to make it a circle (magnifying glass) with no much luck yet xD
+ 2
uses a magnifier
+ 1
by using transform.scale in css3 you can make zooming in or out.
+ 1
use transform.scale(x) css property to enlarge element to x times
such as transform.scale(3) means enlarge element three times