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Can anyone help me understanding with hexadecimal color values?
Hexadecimal color values
2 Réponses
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Hex colour values are in the form #RRGGBB where two consecutive digits, as a pair resemble the decimal values from 0 to 255.
So you define the intensity of the RGB channels in a scale from 0 to 255 for each to get a colour.
#FF0000 stands for the brightest red as the G and B channels have intensity values of 0 while red has max of 255 (i.e. FF)
Pink is full red and full blue, shades of purple are obtained when blue is at max and the value of red is approaching max. (i.e from #0000FF (pure blue) to #00FFFF(pink))
+ 1
w3schools.com has an excellent color reference