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Performance of web page
In CSS using the all selector is not adviced, i.e * { box-sizing: border-box} or transition: all 2s ease-in. What can be done to have same result but with improved performance !?
1 Réponse
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use classes , id's or other selectors instead of universal selector * when style rule don't need to affect all elements.
also using child selector is faster than descedant selectors.
div span{
/*style rules*/
👆 this applies to all span tags within div.
/*style rules*/
this applies to only *direct childs* not descedant (grandchilds,grand grandchilds?! like that. ) and is faster than descedant selector.
about transition:
specify only required property.
if you want to have a transition effect for only background-color of element use background-color instead of using all.
transition:background-color 2s ease-in;
I hope others will also post some useful tips. 👌