Hey guys! I'm trying to learn python to automate things is there any tools that a developer uses to make their job easier?
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+ 1
pypi.org stores all of the open source modules for Python.
+ 1
Thank you so much! The only problem is I'm having trouble finding the modules is there a site I can go on?
As i suppose use of external packages do most of the job. You have to seek for package that will fulfill your needs and implement it in your script. Next level if automation is to use machine learning and for beginning i can recommend you to read machine learning course placed in data science submenu of courses
Thanks man I really appreciate it. Once I study that would I just need to look around online for packages?
There are a lot of modules out there for download that are extremely useful, and open source. Some are:
bs4: Called Beautiful Soup, this is a great module for web scraping.
openpyxl: This module can be used to update Excel spreadsheets.
PyPDF2: This is a module for extracting and modifying data in a PDF.
pyautogui: This module can be used to control a keyboard and mouse through programming.
matplotlib: This is a super useful module for creating graphs such as histograms programmatically.
There's a large amount of machine learning modules out there to, such as scikit-learn. All you really have to do is search online for these packages and how to use them. If you're also wondering how to install them, you can use pip, a tool offered by Python to install modules through a command line.
That's awesome! Eventually I want to work for myself but I really want to get really familiar with python automation
I don't know much about automation with Python, but Automate The Boring Stuff With Python is a great book to start with. You can read the ebook for free at https://automatetheboringstuff.com/.
Thanks man you've been really helpful I really appreciate it!😊
You're welcome!
One more question do you know if I would be able to code on my tablet and import it to gethub from my tablet?
I don't think so, no.
I've been trying but no luck I wanted to see if I could find something online that could help me upload it I travel a lot so it would be useful to be able to code on the move and upload it to gethub
Yeah, all I've seen so far are apps that allow you to view and fork repositories, but not ones that allow you to create and commit to repositories.
I can't find nothing if I could find something like that I would be set because I have the python app but it doesn't let me send the file to gethub I'm new to gethub so I don't know how to use it fully
For fast automation development you should try RPA tools like UiPath.
Thanks guys for all your help I finally was able to get the tools I needed I'll make sure to keep coding to get better 😊
Great! Don't give up!