+ 8
4 tests of 5 are ok? (Code Coach)
I have 4 tests of 5 - ok. But test number 4 is error. And it is close for looking input number. So, i never know why...
20 Réponses
+ 8
it's amazing that I went through the middle level without errors and got stuck on the easiest :))
+ 7
The first - helloween candy
3 other I did well, without misstake
+ 7
I believe this is a rounding error, but not sure and cannot verify this
+ 7
The problem is that I am making a draft in the Solo playgraund (sandbox), and libraries cannot be used there. because to solve the problem of one sololearn is not enough for me :))
Проблема в том, что черновик я делаю в Solo playgraund (песочнице), а там нельзя использовать библиотеки. т.к. что бы решить задачу одного sololearn мне недостаточно:))
Но тебе огромное спасибо, так как я так и делал в другом приложении, но почему то был уверен, что тут меня бортанет!:)
+ 7
you made me happy and not much wiser :)) they answered me so that I realized that you can’t connect modules at all here, though I asked about the graphics, but I understood it as "all modules" :))
ты сделал меня счастливы́м и не много мудрее:)) мне отвечали так, что я понял, что тут вообще модули подключать нельзя, правда я спрашивал про графику, а понял как "все модули":))
+ 7
Aymane Boukrouh
Spasibo very mach. Thank you¡!!!!!!!
+ 6
Aymane Boukrouh
But i don,t want see the rigth code. I want know for what varianr of input so wrong?:)
+ 6
Aymane Boukrouh
Yes. You are rigth, but i try decide all task with add mistakes from users and it is my hobby. But this addition is not mistake:)
+ 5
Erialdo Meta
I am glad to see your answer, but problem was not in code. Offen i have a good result in code coach for a few tests, but one is not good and i don,t see details becose it is not avaible
+ 4
Well, I have no idea how to respond, but that could be it.
+ 4
Erialdo Meta
You did it well:)
+ 4
Erialdo Meta as an advice then, in PEP8, it is recommended that the maximum lenght of a line should be 79, so one-liners don't necessarly mean your code is great. But, that was a good one 👌
Read more about PEP8 for better pythonic structure
+ 3
Which challenge are you doing?
+ 3
Erialdo Meta 😂😂👌
+ 2
Petr can you share your code ?
+ 1
Keep calm and keep coding :))