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What is header file

27th Jan 2020, 7:21 AM
4 Réponses
+ 5
Please mention specific language and write right tag. Tags make it easy to get your answer precisely. All questions are tagged with their subject areas.. Thank you..
27th Jan 2020, 7:38 AM
Scooby - avatar
+ 4
Header file is a file which contains library functions ,global variables and macro definitions. (Extension is. h) eg; stdio.h , iostream.h , math.h etc
28th Jan 2020, 5:33 PM
Shaurya Barnwal
+ 2
Header file are those files which we write during writing a program which contain standard library functions....for eg. #include <math.h> we use this header file for using library functions like pow(),sqrt().....etc...
27th Mar 2020, 6:17 AM
Aryan Raj
Aryan Raj - avatar
Файл с расширением .h. В нем обычно в C++ описывается структура класса.
28th Jan 2020, 6:19 PM
Вячеслав Иванов
Вячеслав Иванов - avatar