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Code problem
I tried to write a programme from challenges, but it passes 11 of 13 tests. I couldn't find a problem myself. Wish you can help me. Problem: https://www.sololearn.com/coach/76?ref=app My code: https://code.sololearn.com/c0H337OPYVCO/?ref=app
4 Réponses
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fails for @@22abcde
works for @!12abcde
Maybe your code has troubles with duplicate specials/numbers.
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it is said two special chars.I think u understood 2 DIFFERENT special chars.
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Thx, Denise. Now it works.
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"...2 of the following special characters ('!', '@', '#', '#x27;, '%', '&', '*')..." - I would say that that wording is a tad confusing and could certainly be interpreted to mean two different special characters.