+ 3
Convert EUR date to US date
Why is this code wrong (in 2 cases) in code coach section? import calendar inp=input() if inp.find('/')==-1: inp=inp.replace(',','') inp=inp.split() for i in range(13): if calendar.month_name[i]==inp[0]: m=str(i) d=inp[1] y=inp[2] else: s=inp.find('/') ss=inp.rfind('/') m=inp[s+1:ss] d=inp[:s] y=inp[-(len(inp)-ss-1):] #print(len(inp)) #print(s) #print(ss) #print(m) #print(d) #print(y) print(m+'/'+d+'/'+y)
2 RĂ©ponses
+ 1
You Program output for farmat
Month dd, yyyy is giving output wrong..
Its giving like
MM dd yyyy
But it should like
dd Mm yyyy according to description
November 1, 1988
Yeah. You're right. I did conversion from US date to... US date ;) 2 small changes and it works. Thank you :)