How to host node js app for global use?
I had made a web app using nodejs , expressjs and postgresql. I have no idea how web hosting of nodejs app works . How can I host my website with required domain and extension.
7 Réponses
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You can create an account on Heroku to run your web app.
And register a domain name,
and point the domain name to your heroku app
+ 2
You need to pay for a custom domain.
Custom domain is registered via domain registration agency.
And then in heroku and the agency, you set some settings.
I can record a YouTube video to explain if you need.
+ 1
Can I get domain for my own choice and extension on heroku ?
+ 1
I have the video tutorial now, here the playlist
If you don't need custom domains, you only need to view the first video.
Please upload one I need this because I had completed my website using express ,node and postgresql but due to lack of info I am unable to host .
This will be very helpful also please mention your YouTube channel
Oh I haven't attend to this yet. Do you still need a video demonstration?